
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Online Repo Vehicle Auctions

A Trusted Community Built by Friends

In earlier times people relied on the members of their community. You knew who your neighbors were and what they were good at. You knew they wouldn’t mind if you looked them up and called on them to help out.

Today, we have lost some of that. We often keep to ourselves. We don’t always ask for help. We rely on our computers.

Last year, as Kevin got ready to move again for the seventh time in five years, he wished there was a way to find trustworthy people to help him out, but he also wished that computers were smart enough to do things for him. He called Ken and Paul to see what they thought.

The more we talked, the more the idea evolved. We knew there had to be a way to use computers to access community. Or to use computers to create community.

How were we going to get Done. done? We talked to everyone about our idea.
The old friends who turned out to be the engineer and community director we needed.
The community director’s brothers and their friends who turned out to be the video crew we needed.

A computer technician whose brother turned out to be the UX designer we needed.
The UX designer’s wife and friend who turned out to be the copywriter and photographer we needed.

A founder’s wife who turned out to be the event planner we needed.
Done. was founded by friends and wouldn’t be possible without friends of friends. It’s that spirit of community we strive to nurture here in New York.

The Done. Team

Our Values:
  • We deliver simplicity and earn trust.
  • We are building a skyscraper. Our actions reflect our ambition.
  • We judge ourselves not against the status quo, but against the immense opportunity and vision before us.
  • We create the unknown as artists. We validate our hypotheses as engineers.
  • Our reward will come when our users crave more done.
  • Our partners carry shovels in their hands and rulers and calculators in their back pocket.
  • Our passion pervades our work and life #optimism# can-do
  • We expect to get knocked down. It’s a chance to learn what the ground looks like, and recover.
  • We fight hard for our own ideas, we decide with transparency, and we close ranks around the winning idea.
  • We assume good intentions.
  • We are serious about our mission. Yet we are hilarious.
  • We sign our name with pride to everything we do.

Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Buyers Guide, Turbo, 1987, 1988, 1989

Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Buyers Guide, Turbo, 1987, 1988, 1989

The Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera Buying Guide (and Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3) will help you avoid getting ripped off buying an older 911.

These are lovely cars, I really enjoy owning them, they are special. I have been buying and selling Porsche 911 for years....I'm sure there are easier ways of earning a living but I like these older 80' 911.

The Dream. For many people its a dream to one day own a 911 Carrera. Lots of my customers have waited a long time to get to the position of being able to purchase one of these.....some well into there retirement, some in their twenties, for most all of them its their dream.

The reality.......although these are good, durable well built cars do you really imagine that all those shiny 911 in the ads are actually good? Some will be, some (the majority) will not be good. could you tell the difference?

Few buyers have enough experience to resist that beautiful looking 911. Its in the right colour, it's the right model, the mileage is okay, the owner is willing to sell at a decent price and you could be driving down the road in it tomorrow. Fantastic. Emotions take over, and you buy it .....only to regret later. I see it happen all the time.

 Imagine how you would feel if you find that the beautiful looking 911 you bought turns out to have a bit of a 'colourful' history, maybe its been damaged and you didn't know?

Or one day when you are poking around it you find serious corrosion, a car that's been tarted up to look great....but is anything but. Your stomach would turn. Not all the good looking, shiny Porsche 911 for sale will be as genuinely good as they appear on the surface.

I have done it myself. I have got so excited I had to buy and lived to tell the tale of the sickening bill. Its called gaining experience. And it can be an expensive to learn for yourself...

These are not cheap cars, and you certainly won't want the bill for a big repair. The feeling of getting it wrong, of being conned, duped or mislead will kill the enjoyment for you of owning one of the World's most brilliant cars. Something you worked, saved and waited to own.

With a little bit of time and guidance I can help steer you around some of the minefields. I have been buying and selling Porsche 911 for years and years, in fact my first one was back in 1985 a '73 2.4 T Targa......and I made some classic mistakes on that....I made some more mistakes on others too......some very costly. Since then I have owned, inspected, rejected and enjoyed 100's of 911.....I seen a lot of rubbish and learnt a lot from my experiences.

Why take a chance when you don't need to? My guide will help you find, and inspect a 911 Carrera 3.2 or 3.3 Turbo 1, it will take you through step by step the process I use to successfully buy good examples without the ugly surprise later. You should be able to ascertain which are the 911 to avoid and which one you should buy...with confidence.

You will learn;
  • The key questions to ask the seller and the correct answers.

  • The common faults for that model.

  • Where and what to check and test.

  • How to be confident that the car you are buying is genuine.

  • Where to look for hidden accident damage or repairs.

  • How to spot forged/falsified documents.

  • How to make a worthwhile test drive.

  • How you can make a detailed inspection.

  • Guarantees/Warranties? what they really offer.

  • How you can get a better deal.

  • Negotiate from a stronger position.

  • Easy fixes and tips.

  • and much more too..
Is the guide worth the money? For under $35 (less than ?20) it may save you buying a lemon and getting conned out of thousands. If it saves you from having a no hoper inspected....or saves one wasted journey to look at an inaccurately described 911 it is money well invested.

What is in the guide? The manual contains the tips and techniques that I have learnt from actually buying 100's of Porsche year in, year out, not just theory....practical, real life tips that you can easily apply. Each 911 guide is different, all models have their quirks and weaknesses. 

Why not get a professional inspection? Before arranging a professional inspection you will need to identify the right Porsche, otherwise you can waste hundreds. Using the guide means you don't have to totally rely on the inspection.

Buying a Porsche from someone you great, but everyone can make a it still pays to know what you are doing, even if only to confirm your judgement of the person with the Porsche 911 for sale.

Magazine buyers guides are unlikely to cover the subject in detail and are often compiled from various different sources. I have seen some pretty dodgy advice written.

Worldwide. The principles and information are relevant wherever you are looking for a 911. I have customers successfully using the guide all over the World.

Immediate. The various 911 buyers guides are for download on the web to a pc as an electronic book, this means the pictures can be much more detailed and you can get the information almost immediately. 15 mins on a slow modem. Once on your P.C. you can view at will and print as much of the information you like. No waiting for the mail (it's not a hard book).

Guarantee: If the guide is not what we say it is and you are not completely satisfied that the information contained is not worth the price, than your money will be refunded no questions asked.

Porsche 911 Buyers Guide for 3.2 Carrera and Turbo 3.3. Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3, Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 Coupe, Targa, Convertible, Works Turbo Look, Supersport, model years 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989.

The 911 Carrera 3.2 and 911 turbo 3.3 are good... I recommend them and really enjoy owning them. Good examples are brilliant fun to drive, generally reliable, easy to service, very durable and low depreciation as well. If you own a good one you will love it.

Clearly these are old cars, but you can still find absolute beauties amongst the majority of average examples. Condition varies even more than the prices and for your enjoyment its absolutely essential to select the right one. I guarantee that my guide will help you identify the good and the bad examples, and if you take your time to find the right 911 Carrera or 911 Turbo you will never regret it.

Genuinely good Porsche 911 (not simply the pretty) are the ones to buy. Having a professional inspection carried out is fine, but you can waste 100's on having no hoper's inspected. With a little guidance or a brief inspection you could have identified the no hoper yourself. Beware because most will look good on the surface, this one looked lovely......

964 Turbo "I was rather sceptical that this may be a 'web scam' but my fears appear to have been misplaced. Certainly I feel more empowered and hopefully I'll be better able to find a worthy car." Roger C. U.K.

993 "Your book, 993 secrets ect, is unbelievabely good.I have recommended it to 3 three friends. Thanks a lot" Chris

993 "Hi, with the help of your guide I bought a 1996 911 Cab. It helped me to walk away from a lot of cars and when I finally found the "right car" I could make a decision within hours. A thorough PPI confirmed my evaluation. Thanks, Great Product and worth every cent!" Erik Stibitzky The Woodlands, Texas

911 "May I congratulate you on your very informative ebooks. I purchased both the '3.2' and the '964' specific books about a year ago and count myself lucky that I had. Thank you." Bilal

911 "I just wanted to thank you for a very well presented buyers guide. I am looking to buy my first Porsche, it would have definitely been an emotional decision. Now I have the tool to make a cool, calm and collected choice. I am very glad that I stumbled upon your web-site. Thank you & Kind Regards" Bernard.

911 "Your guide has proven invaluable in helping this Porsche newbie acquire his first 911. Have not bought one yet but I am searching. Thanks" Jeff Frazier

993 996 "I recently bought from you two guide books, Porsche 996 and Porsche993. After reading through your book, I have more knowledge how to deal and inspect a car that I like - worth my money to buy your book. Thanks" Henry 

Boxster "Your buyers guide is very informative. I'm in the market for a used Boxster Tiptronic and need guidance on what to be aware of, and how to test drive the prospective buy. Thanks" Merrick Harter

996 "I purchased two books and lent many others before reading your book on the 996. To put it succinctly, "Leffingwell's" left the reader confused and unable to make an informed purchase. Your book truly provided knowledge and useable tools. I will be picking up a 2002 911 4S this weekend. Everything you suggested, I reduced to a check list and went one by one. The dealer did not mind at all. Best regards and thank you again." W . Wong, LA, California.

911 Carrera "Well your guide helped me get past two poor examples and led me to a cherry! '89 white cab. with a couple small dings but otherwise looked like she just came out of the show room. Your guide gave me the confidence to purchase knowing what to look for top to bottom. Seeing bent oil pipes, hidden corrosion, door bolts removed, water under mats etc. got me off cars costing 5K less and led me to mine. Thanks again!" Kenneth S