
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Online Repo Vehicle Auctions

A Trusted Community Built by Friends

In earlier times people relied on the members of their community. You knew who your neighbors were and what they were good at. You knew they wouldn’t mind if you looked them up and called on them to help out.

Today, we have lost some of that. We often keep to ourselves. We don’t always ask for help. We rely on our computers.

Last year, as Kevin got ready to move again for the seventh time in five years, he wished there was a way to find trustworthy people to help him out, but he also wished that computers were smart enough to do things for him. He called Ken and Paul to see what they thought.

The more we talked, the more the idea evolved. We knew there had to be a way to use computers to access community. Or to use computers to create community.

How were we going to get Done. done? We talked to everyone about our idea.
The old friends who turned out to be the engineer and community director we needed.
The community director’s brothers and their friends who turned out to be the video crew we needed.

A computer technician whose brother turned out to be the UX designer we needed.
The UX designer’s wife and friend who turned out to be the copywriter and photographer we needed.

A founder’s wife who turned out to be the event planner we needed.
Done. was founded by friends and wouldn’t be possible without friends of friends. It’s that spirit of community we strive to nurture here in New York.

The Done. Team

Our Values:
  • We deliver simplicity and earn trust.
  • We are building a skyscraper. Our actions reflect our ambition.
  • We judge ourselves not against the status quo, but against the immense opportunity and vision before us.
  • We create the unknown as artists. We validate our hypotheses as engineers.
  • Our reward will come when our users crave more done.
  • Our partners carry shovels in their hands and rulers and calculators in their back pocket.
  • Our passion pervades our work and life #optimism# can-do
  • We expect to get knocked down. It’s a chance to learn what the ground looks like, and recover.
  • We fight hard for our own ideas, we decide with transparency, and we close ranks around the winning idea.
  • We assume good intentions.
  • We are serious about our mission. Yet we are hilarious.
  • We sign our name with pride to everything we do.